Monday, September 30, 2013

Teacher Response to Student Needs

This week, the reading assignment was in Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom chapter 4. This book, is seriously incredible. I would love to meet the author one day- it would be such an honor. The reason I enjoyed this chapter is because it gives 100% responsibility to the teacher to develop and maintain the environment in the classroom. It is our responsibility to instill a sense of achievement into our students. When they believe in themselves, and we believe in them, they can seriously accomplish anything.

"The classroom environment includes both the physical and affective attributes that individually and  cumulatively establish the tone or atmosphere in which teaching and learning will take place." (Tomlinson, 37)  This means that before school even starts, before we meet our kids, and before amy lessons are taught, the visual atmosphere will contribute to learning success or failure. That is something to really consider as we are setting up our new classrooms next summer.

I really can't do this chapter justice- it really is better off being read by a prospective teacher.

The second part of the reading assignment was to read pages 120-160. These pages consisted of ideas to help the teacher differentiate. I will share a few of my favorites:

  • Interactive Notes (or KWL charts)
  • Learning Menus
  • Think-Tac-Toe
These learning strategies aid the student in regulating, and choosing their own learning progress. My goal is to use the Learning Menus idea in the field, or during student teaching.


  1. I just love that you just love this book! And, you're right, you would love its author. Sylvia Allan and I get to go spend two days with her in December (just the two of us, with Carol)... we are so excited we can hardly stand it! And, I won't forget to tell her that you said this! 3 pts.

  2. Thank you for sharing Brittany! I think classroom environment makes a huge difference in the learning that students acquire. I wrote about your blog post in my blog :)
