Monday, September 9, 2013

Why I love this class!

This is only week 2 (third class session tomorrow) and I love this class. In fact, it is my very favorite one. Do you want to know why? Well I will tell you....

I have this dream, and this vision of how I want my classroom to be. I often lay awake at night dreaming of my own classroom and what it will be like. I see a classroom community where everyone is friends. We work as a team, and I am their "coach." We act like a team, and we support each other. There are no negative feelings towards one another and we work to help build each other up. A students confidence and dreams can develop within the walls of my classroom. Where everyone is being challenged within their Zone of Proximal Development, and optimal learning takes place. A classroom where all students thoroughly enjoy coming to school, and learning.

I always thought I was setting my sights too high...that a classroom community like that only existed in the minds of teachers. But so far in this class, I have learned otherwise. It IS possible to have a classroom community like that. How? With morning meeting, and differentiated instruction. Morning meeting will bring the togetherness of the class, and differentiated instruction will being to pass the latter part, where all students are participating in optimal learning experiences.

I eagerly read ahead in the books and look forward to class every Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Brittany, I am so sad that I've been so behind in reading blogs. I need to continue to encourage you to NOT give up on your dream of changing your students' lives! You WILL become the teacher of YOUR dreams and your STUDENTS' dreams. I want to remind you of this, and support you throughout this semester. I'm glad that you recognize that if you will read Tomlinson's words, and find where in your heart they fit, you will... indeed, change the world. (3 pts.)
