Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"The Business of Schools"

..."The business of schools is to design, create, and invent high-quality, intellectually demanding work for that engages students, that is so compelling that students persist when they experience difficulties, and that is so challenging that students have a sense of accomplishment, of satisfaction- indeed of delight- when they successfully accomplish the tasks assigned." 
--Phil Schlechty

This was quoted in the book on page 62. 

Let's take a look at this quote, and dissect it for a moment. As a teacher, when was the last time you created intellectually challenging work? Or are they just doing worksheets based on a lesson taught. Are you preparing engaging lessons? Or are you just getting through the units. When was the last time students persisted during as assignment until it was correct? When a student finishes their work, are they genuinely proud of their work? Or just glad to het it done? 

As teachers, and teacher candidates, we really need to think about the above statement. Today's generation is a generation of entitlement. People expect maximum benefits through minimal amounts of work. We need to teach our students the value and benefits of hard work. It is a balance to make challenging work engaging and compelling for all students- but that is our job. By doing so, we are not only teaching our students academically, but providing them with lifelong skills needed to function for the rest of their lives


  1. Brittany!
    I stocked your blog today and it is fantastic. I love your insights teaching and differentiation. I especially like this quote and this post! You rock!

  2. Wow! You are SO ready, it blows me away! 3 pts.
