Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Change the life of a child...and you change the world

Often times, people ask me why I want to be a teacher. I want to change the world. I want to encourage students to dream, dream, dream! I want to inspire students to follow their dreams and engrain into them that they can do anything they want to do. I want to make my classroom different than anything that has ever been done before. I want to stand out so every day my students can tell themselves, "Mrs. Reynolds believes in me, and so I can believe in myself." If you change the life of a child, you can change the world.

The following video is about a man who changed the life of many students. WARNING! This video may make you cry... it was all I could do not to cry in class. I came home, watched it, and cried some more!

In my OWN way, like him, I want to inspire and change lives. I will continue to work on my teaching style and goals to do so.


  1. I almost cried in class too! haha. Darn those cute kids. And that teacher. :) Brittany, you're totally going to change the world. Just so you know. :)

  2. I believe you can, as Leah said, change the world! I'm so glad Mr. B's story inspired you... to know that it's possible, and that you can do it! (3 pts.)
